Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Sunday we visited the ancient capital of Thailand: Ayutthaya. We drove an hour outside of the city to get to this place. Our first stop involved checking out the ruins of the city. It was blazing hot, but we managed to run from tree shade to tree shade to get some pictures. Unfortunately we didn't have a tour guide with us, so I don't know much about the city and why it came to be ruined.

The next stop was to a Temple and market. Inside the temple was a GIANT Buddha made of (or perhaps just covered) in gold. We also explored the attached market and saw all sorts of interesting food. We ate something comparable to cotton candy in a crepe (better than it sounds) and we saw all sorts of sea creatures on sticks cooked on a grill.

Finally, our last stop was a white reclining Buddha (still within the city of Ayutthaya). There really wasn't much to see besides that, but the Buddha itself is quite amazing!

Flat Mya at the Reclining Buddha

The giant gold Buddha

Outside the Temple

At the ruins

More ruins - this buddha was surrounded by similar, smaller sculptures that had all been rendered headless.

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